Educational Courses
Test Preparation Courses
Foundation, in its support of the ABWMS, will hold two test preparation courses annually in association with the 2019 June and December Tests. These one-and-a-half day courses will cover most items outlined in the Board’s test content outline found on page 8 of Handbook for Candidates.
Physicians wishing to take the ABWMS test are encouraged to take the Foundation’s test prep course as one of the best ways to increase to enhance the likelihood of success on the test. If you wish to take a course, please indicate below. The course will be offer only if 10 physicians enroll. The Foundation will schedule each course over a weekend, one month in advance of the test deadline date in a location convenient to enrollees.
• March X, 2019 – [Text Box Fields: FirstName/LastName/MD or DO/work address/city/state/zip – preferred phone number/email address.
• September X, 2019 – same for both
Fellowship Programs
The Foundation would like to offer a workshop for Diplomates of the ABWMS who wish to consider the development of a 12-month fellowship at the facility where they practice. The workshop will provide instruction on the learning objectives of the fellowship as well as strategies for funding including grant programs. The Foundation hopes to offer a stipend sufficient to cover airline expense to each enrolled Diplomate.
Please complete the following form to let us know of your interest.[same fields as in March above.]